Local Staffing

Hire Top Talent in the United States

Connect with the best professionals in the U.S. to drive your business forward. Our local staffing solutions ensure you find the perfect fit, whether you need permanent employees, temporary staff, or specialized professionals.

Localized Staffing Solutions for Critical Roles

For roles that are critical to your business success, we source top-tier, specialized talent within the United States. 对于非核心职能,我们提供外包解决方案,让您专注于真正重要的事情.

Beyond Offshore and Nearshore

In addition to our global outsourcing services, we recruit U.S.提供当地专业知识和文化契合度的本地专业人士, ensuring the perfect fit for your key roles.

Strategic U.S. Hiring Combined with Global Outsourcing

By hiring specialized talent in the U.S. 当非核心职能外包近岸或离岸时,关键角色, you can create a balanced and efficient workforce. 这种策略使您能够在最重要的地方利用当地专业知识的优势, 同时通过外包角色降低成本并保持运营效率.

Recruit US specialized talent
US talent for core expertise

Leverage Local Expertise for Core Business Functions

Local U.S. 招聘带来了深厚的行业知识和对企业文化的理解,这对关键的业务职能至关重要, such as leadership, strategy, and customer-facing roles. Meanwhile, 可操作的或常规的任务可以由离岸或近岸团队有效地管理, 让当地专家专注于推动创新和业务增长.

Seamless Communication and Collaboration with U.S.-Based Teams

Hiring locally in the U.S. ensures your team benefits from seamless communication, 没有时区障碍或语言误解,为您的最重要的战略角色. 这有助于实时决策并培养更强的团队合作, 对于需要持续协作的角色来说,哪些是至关重要的. Offshore teams can manage backend processes, 与当地团队同步工作,以保持您的业务全天候顺利运行.

United States talent for seamless communication
Hire in the US compliantly

Ensure Compliance and Mitigate Risks with Domestic Hiring

U.S.总部设在美国的员工确保遵守国内劳动法和行业特定法规, which is vital for roles involving legal, financial, and regulatory responsibilities. Simultaneously, 外包不那么关键的功能可以让您从成本效率中获益,而不会损害遵从性, 由于我们的全球招聘策略包括全面审查,以确保遵守相关法规.

Achieve Scalable Growth with a Hybrid Workforce Model

Combining U.S. 世界杯足彩外包团队提供了根据需要扩展业务的灵活性. As your business grows, 您可以轻松地为需要实地专业知识的角色扩展本地劳动力,同时依靠可扩展的离岸团队来处理增加的操作需求,而无需与本地招聘相关的间接成本.

Hire in the USA for scalable growth
Affordable US recruiting and staffing

Optimize Costs by Balancing U.S. Talent with Global Resources

Strategic hiring in the U.S. 确保您获得最优秀的人才,推动您的业务向前发展, 而外包允许您通过更经济有效地管理非核心功能来优化预算. 这种双重方法使您能够在控制成本的同时在整个组织中保持高标准的质量和性能.

Flexible Hiring

U.S. Local Recruiting & Staffing for Flexible Hiring Options

Direct Placement

Quickly secure top U.S. talent for permanent positions. 我们的直接就业服务为您的公司匹配在各自领域出类拔萃的专业人士,并与您的组织文化保持一致.

Temporary Staffing

通过我们的临时人员配置解决方案来适应不断变化的业务需求. Ideal for project-based roles, seasonal needs, or interim positions, our talent pool provides immediate, qualified support.


Mitigate hiring risks with our contract-to-hire service. Evaluate candidates on the job before making them permanent, ensuring a perfect fit for your company’s long-term goals.

Temporary-to-Permanent Staffing

Transition seamlessly from temporary to permanent employment. Start with flexible staffing, 随着业务的发展,将表现最好的专业人员转换为全职工作.

Exclusive U.S. Talent Network

Tap into our extensive network of top-tier U.S. professionals. 我们的人才库包括各行各业的专家, from tech innovators to financial analysts, 确保您快速有效地找到最适合您业务需求的产品.

Our Difference

By partnering with 1840 & Company, you gain access to the best U.S. 人才,增强您的业务运作,提高效率,推动成功. Our deep expertise, innovative technology, 对质量的坚定承诺使我们成为您所有美国客户的理想合作伙伴.S. staffing needs.

Cost-Effective Domestic Solutions

Maximize your budget with our competitive U.S. staffing services. By leveraging our extensive network of American professionals, 我们提供具有成本效益的解决方案,提供高质量的结果, 帮助您在提高生产力的同时降低运营成本.

Compliance Expertise for U.S. Regulations

Navigate the complexities of U.S. labor laws and industry-specific regulations with ease. 我们的专业人员在合规事务方面知识渊博, 确保您的业务保持合法健全,同时提供卓越的结果.

Scalable U.S. Staffing Solutions

通过我们可扩展的人员配置解决方案来适应您业务的动态需求. Whether you need to fill critical roles, manage project-based work, or scale up operations, 我们灵活的招聘模式确保您在每个阶段都能得到适当的支持.

Advanced Recruitment Technology

通过我们的人工智能驱动解决方案,在您的招聘过程中利用尖端技术. 从简历匹配到候选人评估,我们的工具确保您与最优秀的美国雇主建立联系.S. 人才快速高效,精简您的招聘流程.


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